EOur podcast today focused on helping you all get into Action. We talked about the three types of financial advisers out there, and who is the best fit for the kind of help one needs when first starting to manage our money. No-one is born a Rhodes Scholar in personal finance; in fact, they don’t even teach it in schools. It’s a topic you have to learn on your own. Which, of course, is why I do these podcasts – to offer guidance, suggestions and to explain the over-riding theory behind it all


For local fee-only planners (the ones with the most objectivity, who not only want what’s best for you, but whose earnings are commensurate with your success) go to www.napfa.org (847-483-5400)

For passive investment options (this is investing in an index as opposed to a specific stock), you can find lists of Index Fund Advisors at www.ifa.com. And I like www.dfaus.com as well. Their model of investing is “based on the science of capital markets, not speculation.”

If you feel like you are just bumbling along, and would like to ask a question, either in writing or on-air, please drop us a line – info@msmorrisonspeaks.com