Congratulations on taking the first step towards more financial empowerment. Just as we need to know where we’re headed when we get into our car each day, we also need to know where we are going personally and financially, so that we have even a fightin’ chance of getting there.
By visiting our site and giving us your email address you are automatically enrolled in our free course called Design, Build and Protect Your Financial Future. We’ll start with our first email session next week, yet we have necessary homework before we start. Yes, home work!
So many women admit to not knowing what they don’t know about money, and getting all tense and anxious about the level of their ignorance, and what it may be costing them. I say, stop that worrying and control today what you can control. Control your thoughts and channel them to thinking, really thinking about your goals.
You, and only you know what it is that you want to achieve with your life and that of your family. You want a better paying job/career, you want a specific home improvement, you want to buy a vacation home, you want to educate your child at the college of their choice, you want to retire before you die.
If you played the lottery and won, what would you do with the winnings? Well, write those thoughts down right now, and then actively think about this question every morning for the next 21 consecutive days, continuing to write down whatever pops into your head. We’ll vet and prioritize these later; for now, just write down at least 101 goals.
Yes, please use your personal power now to identify what it is that would excite you about your future, and then we can plan to achieve it.
So, go ahead and print off several of these goal sheets and start writing; ready, set, go!
Stay empowered,